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How to suppress automatic updates by configuration

If the installation is centrally managed, it may be necessary to prevent individual updates. By setting the “blockUpdate” parameter in the plugin-customization.ini file, updates are blocked, and all menu items providing update options are suppressed from the Help menu.

📘 Instructions

Proceed as follows:

  1. Locate the plugin com.helinks.sts.products_sts_si_1.0.0.0.jar in your installation directory.

  2. Extract the file plugin_customization.ini

  3. Set the “blockUpdates” parameter in the file to “true” and replace the file in the plugin jar with the changed one. See here how to extract and update a file from a jar container: How to update a file from a jar container

  4. Restart Helinks STS.

You need Administrator Rights to perform this operation

Unappropriate changes of the jar file may prevent Helinks STS from starting

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