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The Applications button of the Dashboard opens the Application view where you can inspect existing applications or create new ones.

The Application Editor is divided in two part :

  • The application list : where you can select and customize an existing application

  • The application detail : where you can view the content of the application

Application Editor structure

Application structure

In Helinks STS an application is a set of signals and their respective recipients, along with required parameters.

An application can be represented with a simple signal exchange view :

Simple application Exchange View

Where you can see each signal exchange represented by a link between a source and a sink. the source is a signal specified under an function and the sink is represented by an input in a function.

Application List

The application list show the list of all the applications present in the project.

Application List structure

For each application you have several information :

  1. The application itself

  2. The application type can be Basic of Template if the application is base on a library

  3. The service used in this application (e.g. GOOSE, SV, Report) and some parameter to configure the service

  4. The service type

  5. The signal links list.

Application detail panel

The details panel shows where the source signals are defined in the specification, and which receiver is configured.

In addition to the specification, there is implementation data available: The three elements ‘Dataset’, ‘Control block’ and ‘ExtRef’ show us that the specified signal connection is fully implemented by both publishing and receiving IED.

The “Connections Status” column contains summarized information on the intermediate levels about the implementation status of a given signal. A signal is VALID if both publishing and subscribing is implemented correctly, VALID_PUBLISHED if publishing is implemented correctly, and INVALID otherwise.


As with elements in the single line diagram, the Document reference can be configured with a ‘.doc’ file that contains a description of the application to be included in the project report.

Service configuration

The property sheet entries of a application service are used to create the implementation of the exchange. The Service also contain a configuration object ( in the above example, GSE Control ). The properties of the configuration object correspond to attributes that are part of the implementation, and can be directly found in the resulting SCL output file.

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