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Library Templating

Helinks STS provide library templating features that give a boost to engineering efficiency and harmonization. E.g. with a well defined library the the process of going from specification to implementation is clearly reduced.

Much of the specification done in the Single Line and Function Specification Diagrams, as well as Applications can be reused via the library mechanism: Functions, Equipment, Bays, Busbar, Virtual IEDs, and Process elements.

Functions and Equipments are basic library elements. They can be stored in the library and retrieved via the palette entries corresponding to their key.

Bays, Virtual IEDs, and Process elements are composite library elements - they make use of other, basic library elements ( usually Functions ).

Application is and advanced library elements. They make use of other, basic library elements ( usually Functions ) and attaches application information on it like roles (function Roles and signals Roles).

Templated Element

To template an element to the library you should :

  • Define the element in the SLD or functional diagram

  • Give it a structured self-descriptive template name in the properties view.

Then on the element, with a right click you have access to several library menu items like add to the library and update from the library. The result of this action will alway interact with the library but depend deepely on the element type.

When you add an element to the library all the information stored on it is stored in the library. For example, when you add a function to the library, not only the function is added to the library but also:

  • The LNodes defined in this function and all the properties related to thess LNodes

  • The signals selected for sub LNodes

  • The inputs defined for sub LNodes

  • ….

Take in account that if you change something on a template instantiated element and you will make this change available on the template you should update the template on the library. E.g. you add some implementation information on one function.

Currently there is no Template versioning concept and automatic template changes propagation concept. If you update a template and you would like to propagate this change to all instances element of this template. You should apply again this template to the already created element or simply recreate said element.

The usage of a specific project is recommended to manage the library definition and update.

The library is part of your user folder. You need to import and export said library to use it over several computers. For this you have access to the menu Libraries Export/Import feature.

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