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System diagram

The System Diagram shows the IEDs and networks of the project. It allows you to instantiate new IEDs, create new networks, and connect IEDs to networks. The System Diagram reflects the IED and Communication section of an SCD file.


Instantiate an IED from an ICD file

To instantiate a new IED, you must first import your ICD file. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Use the ‘Import’ button in the Dashboard, as described in Importing SCL

  2. You can copy the ICD file into the /stg directory of your project.

If you use the second approach, STS will not validate your file. If the file is not a valid ICD file, instantiation may fail or the file will not be available in the palette of the System Diagram

Make sure your file is a valid ICD file! The name of the IED contained in the file MUST be “TEMPLATE”.

After successfully importing an ICD file, the IED contained in the file will show up as a palette entry on the right side of the System Diagram. You can then instantiate a new IED based on this file.

Instantiating from an ICD file

Exporting IEDs



Creating a new network

Create a new network

Connect an IED to a network

You can connect one or more IEDs to a generic switch, using the connection tool of the network you would like to connect to:

Connect an IED to multiple networks

You can connect an IED to as many networks as the IEDs data model has access points. If there is more than one access point available, a dialog will ask you to choose an access point for a connection.

Change network settings for a connected IED

You can change any SCL related network settings for an IED by clicking a network connection and changing values in the ‘Properties’ view.

Changing the IP address of an IED for a network connection

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