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Helinks STS Offline Installation

By default Helinks STS is installed and updated online. Sometimes, due to IT Firewall restrictions, it is not possible to access this server. In this case, we provide several ways of manually installing and Updating Helinks STS. The different ways are:

  1. Automatic installation over our customer portal.

  2. Manual installation based on a pr-installed Zip file.

This document describes the installation of the pre-installed Zip file.


The installation file is generally distributed via We-Transfer or a similar service.

  1. Provide admin rights to the installing user.

  2. Create a directory “Helinks LLC” in “C:\Program Files\”: C:\Program Files\Helinks LLC

  3. Unzip into this directory:

  4. Right click the file STS_SI.exe and select “Create Shortcut”:

  5. Create a shortcut on the desktop of your computer.

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