Helinks STS-2022-10 V 3.8.0 Semi Annual Release Release Note
Release Date: 30.09.2022 |
Helinks STS STS-2022-10 V 3.8.0 Semi Annual Release is now available for download in the Helinks Customer Portal: Helinks Customer Portal
Detailed Feature and Change Description
Application automation
- Templated applications now have automation capabilities for both participants and connection matrices.
- Automated participants will automatically add and delete members on creation/deletion of the corresponding specification elements.
- Automated connection matrices can be supplied with rules or expressions to evaluate if a given pair of participants should be automatically checked/unchecked.
Application interface changes
Application list
- Application templates can now be hierarchically organized.
- The grouping is independent of service type, i.e. Report, GOOSE, and Sampled Value applications can be grouped as children of the same umbrella application.
- A new application type, ‘Composite Application’ has been introduced for the express purpose of organizing the application hierarchically without contributing signals on its own.
- Accordingly, the tabbed grouping in ‘Reports’, ‘GOOSE', ‘Sampled Values’ is no longer sufficient to represent the state of applications and was replaced by a filterable list of all applications.
- Errors in the configuration of templates (missing, incomplete, or ambiguous signal roles) are marked with an error decoration
Application details
- The details pane now has a tabbed representation to accomodate different kinds of information.
- Basic applications and composite applications show the ‘Connection status’ view in the pane as before.
- Templated applications now show the ‘Connection status’ view in addition to the previously existing configuration view
- Errors in the configuration of participants (missing, incomplete, or ambiguous signal roles) are marked with an error symbol in front of the participant
- Changing signal role mapping for a participant will apply those changes to existing application instances (checkmarks in connection matrices)
No results shown on IED validation
When the validation ends with severity info, no results are shown.
The following Bugs are fixed in this Version
Looking forward to hear your feedback.
Team Helinks STS